Tuesday, 25 November 2014

A Brief Introduction to Zinc Alloy Die Casting

Metals and their alloys play an important role in the day to day lives of people. They are used for almost all the goods and items that we use daily. All kinds of equipments, kitchen tools, medical and surgical equipments, machines, gadgets, home appliances, sports goods, constructions, everything uses metal in some form or the other. Metal is a very versatile element that can be put into use in any way you desire. There are a number of metals available on the face of the earth among which iron, zinc, magnesium, aluminum, copper, and tin are most common besides the others. Zinc alloy die casting is a very common industrial process that is used to make products out of Zinc.

Metals are not getting in their exact solid form in nature. They are taken as ores. These ores then need to be treated under several processes to make the metal that we know. After the metal is retrieved, they undergo different processes of molding to get the required shape and size. A die casting manufacturer uses the process of die casting to cast the metal and mold it as required. Die casting is a process that is considered superior to all others due to the wide range of advantages:

• The metal parts made are of highly accurate.
• High tensile strength is achieved.
• High rate of production can be achieved, making it an effective manufacturing process for batch production.
• Really thin walls can be made.
• The products are much stronger and durable than the ones made from any other process.
• They are lighter in weight
• Multiple finishing techniques can be employed as per your requirement.
• They need little or no secondary machining operations at all.
• It is much easier to cast in inserts.

Different kinds of metals can be used for the die casting process. Zinc alloy die casting is commonly used due to the different advantages the metal has got to offer above all other available metals:

• Rigidity
• Toughness
• High tensile strength
• Precision tolerant
• Ductile
• Easy finishing
• Lower energy
• Machinability
• Bearing properties
• Long life
• Recyclability
• Thin walls can be created
• Ductile
• Clean
• Anti-sparking
• Flexible process

For all your metal parts, you can contact a die casting manufacturer. Make sure that they offer only good quality products and that too at proper rates. The metal parts form the basis of all your products, so never compromise with the quality. You must never go for cheaper goods at the cost of quality. Do some market research and find out the best manufacturer to get all your materials from.

Monday, 17 November 2014

Advantages of Zinc Alloy Die Casting

Die casting is a very common metal casting process that involves forcing molten metal into a mold cavity under high pressure conditions. Two hardened tool steel die casts are used to create the mold cavity. These are machined into the shape required, and work just like an injection mold. Usually, non-ferrous materials like copper, zinc, magnesium, aluminum, lead, pewter, and tin based alloys are used for creating the die casting. Either hot or cold chamber machine is used, depending on the type of material that is being cast. Zinc die casting is a popular die casting process that employs zinc metal.

Die casting is very commonly used because of the advantages of the process:

  • Exceptional dimensional accuracy can be obtained, which is typically  mm for the first  cm and  mm for every additional centimeter
  • Really smooth cast surfaces can be obtained
  • It is possible to cast really thinner walls as compared to the sand and permanent mold casting
  • Secondary machining operations are not required
  • Production rates are really high
  • Inserts like heating elements, threaded inserts and high strength bearing surfaces can be cast in
  • High tensile strengths of about  mega Pascals can be achieved for the casts
  • Low fluidity metals can be cast

The only disadvantage of the die casting technique is the high capital cost involved. But, the advantages outweigh this one disadvantage of the process. Among the different die casting processes, zinc alloy die casting is one of the most common.

Zinc is a very common metal that is easily available and used. The main reason for opting for zinc die casting is that these castings are safe, secure, convenient, and also act as a decoration. Their physical characteristics and mechanical properties make it a perfect option for all requirements.

Zinc alloy die casting is well known for the hardness and strength. It is an ideal metal that can be used in place of other stamped, pressed, machined, and fabricated items. Zinc alloys are known to have the following characteristics that make it an ideal metal for the die casting process:

  • Very hard
  • High strength
  • High thermal conductivity
  • High stability
  • Dimensional accuracy is high
  • The raw material is of low cost and affordable
  • Joining is eased by the ability to cold form
  • Thin wall capability is high
  • Finishing characteristics are of high quality
  • Resistance to corrosion is just outstanding
  • Full recyclability can be achieved

So, now that you see why most companies prefer to use zinc and zinc alloys for die casting and other manufacturing purposes, you can even start using the process for your machinery and equipments.

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Reasons Why You Should Consider Zinc Alloy Die Casting

Die casting is the most common technique used for manufacturing metal parts for machines and equipments. Most items are mass produced using this technique. Zinc die casting is used for producing electronic components, mechanical tools, office equipment, window hardware, and lots of such things useful in our day to day lives. The properties achieved by this process can never be achieved by any other casting processes.

Zinc alloy die casting produces metal parts that are much stronger than other processes. They have much stronger properties than reinforced molded polymers. Zinc is a very hard metal, which is dimensionally stable and has self lubricating properties. It is perfect for working modules because of its high modulus. Gears and pinions made of other polymers would be less durable than the ones made with zinc. The thermal and electrical conductivity of zinc are excellent as well. Moreover, the casting tolerances are very good and all these properties put together make it a good option for manufacturing electrical components and applications that need electromagnetic shielding. Heat sinks made of zinc are highly efficient. Casting of zinc is done at moderate temperatures, which helps save a lot of energy. 

Zinc alloy is known to have the following characteristics:

·         High strength and hardness
·         High thermal and electrical conductivity
·         Low cost raw material
·         High stability and dimensional accuracy
·         Excellent thin wall capability
·         Ability to cold form, which eases joining
·         Excellent corrosion resistance
·         Full recyclability
·         High quality finishing characteristics

Zinc is the best metal that can be machined, pressed, stamped, and fabricated to manufacture items. This makes zinc alloy die casting the most preferred among all options. It has high strength and hardness to suit every application. Zinc casting alloys have the following advantages:

·         The process is highly flexible
·         High precision tolerance
·         Very strong and ductile
·         Really tough
·         Rigidity
·         Anti-sparking
·         Finishing is easy
·         Bearing properties
·         Machinability
·         Casted into thin walls
·         Energy costs are low
·         Tool life is long
·         Clean and recyclable

Zinc die casting allows a wide range of finishes. You can get any anesthetic characteristics you wish. It has got an excellent coating durability and can be made to look like weathered brass, stainless steel, solid gold, or leather. Zinc has got high density, and so its cast parts give a feeling of durability and substance. Plastic components can never come anywhere near to it. All thesee advantages and features of zinc make it a preferred option for all kinds of manufacturing processes.